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Our practice areas.

JY&A Consulting has studied, in depth, many of the best known research articles in the branding literature published since the mid-twentieth century. We’ve always balanced this with real-world work in many sectors. We’ve also constantly watched for developments to keep a step ahead.
Sectors in which we have worked are detailed at the right.

Simply Postage, by Demian Rosenblatt

Raytheon, by Demian Rosenblatt

Aerospace and defence
Defence technology and cybersecurity

Marketing and branding strategy for automotive retail and NPD, including tying branding to automotive design; projecting consumer behaviour; public relations

Banking and finance
Branding and rebranding for commercial banking, insurance, diversified financial institutions

Business development and organizational change
Organizational behaviour issues, integration and development of new corporate culture, mergers and acquisitions

Consumer behaviour
Image effects on consumers, tracking studies, formal academic research

Destination branding
Country-of-origin effects, how image impacts on product perception and brand; national branding programme issues; city branding programmes

All sectors including film, television, video, CD-ROM, new media and new technological impact, including WAP, cellular technologies

Fashion, beauty and lifestyle
Fashion labels and brand extensions; brand creation; promotion and advertising; full-service marketing communications including events and environmental design

Globalization including its effects on domestic markets
Adapting global strategies; how host countries will receive global marketing and branding efforts; consumer perceptions of marketing and branding

Global strategy
Globalization; keeping global strategies on track without developing resentment from local markets; promoting an entrepreneurial spirit and corporate citizenship in global organizations; marketing analyses to ensure global decision-making in different markets; game theory

Intellectual property and legal services; expert witness work on branding, trade marks and copyright

The luxury sector; preserving brand values; diversifications; licensing; social media

Marketing research and statistical analyses
Academically rigorous MR, statistics and modelling; projections, backing up marketing theory with hard data and analyses

Marketing strategy
Development of vision programmes, competitive research, formulation of strategy, milestone development, implementation with market orientation and branding emphasis; programme release, tracking studies; electronic marketing issues

Media and publishing
Serving online and offline media, including television, print, web publishing, leveraging brands across media, diversification, cross-media strategies, best practice for online ventures and how to create cross-media models

Non-governmental and non-profit
Includes organizations that have unconventional commercial structures, how to overcome credibility gap, increasing awareness of brands, application of commercial theories without losing the organization’s true aims

Organizational leadership
Incorporating branding into vision setting and vision programmes, dealing with future customers, handling internal issues with branding, leadership in a varied and rapidly changing world

Personal branding
Adapting established theories in organizational branding and applying them to personal reputation

Political branding
Using social media to engage citizens and to conduct research, leveraging media to reduce cost in campaigns, rebranding

Product design, innovation and NPD
The development of products that are consistent with the branding philosophy, vision and image, looking at NPD holistically

Social media
Using social media tools to build brands and operationalizing them in real-world business settings

Future technologies, impact of new entrants, new ventures. Deep research into online branding since 2000 and how organizational structures can best take advantage of the internet

Issues of state management, privatization, marketing to new consumers, M&A, rebranding, culture change to face new realities, with emphasis on branding and new media

Organizations served by our team members include Accenture, Adrienne Whitewood, Akamai, the Alliance Party of New Zealand, AMX Communications, Atair, Atlet, BAe, Basten Greenhill Andrews, BMW, BrightIdea.com, the British Standards Institute, BT, Budweiser, Citibank, Colgate–Palmolive, Converse, Deutsche Bank, Diesel Jeans, Dunlop, Electricity Corp. of New Zealand, Ford Motor Company, the Hillary Commission, Institute for International Research, Knight Ridder, Levi’s, Manchester United, Merrill Lynch, Munro Shoes, Natcoll, NZCS, Osram, Panos Emporio, Pierre Cardin, Proxicom, Raytheon, Reebok, Renault, Reuters, Santa Barbara Bank & Trust, Scorett, Shimano, Simply Postage, the Swedish Post, Tamsin Cooper, Time Warner, Twentieth Century–Fox, Unilever, UNICEF, USA Today, Victoria University of Wellington, Willis Corroon and the Woolwich.